First Luxury Handbag | Balenciaga | Luxury Shopping

Mini Modette | First Luxury Bag I took the plunge making my first ever luxury handbag purchase.

I ummed and ahhed for such a long time to find and decide on a luxury bag that suited my style, my needs and considered a classic. Louis Vuitton, YSL, Chanel were considered. if I'm honest I was after a bag that didn't scream at you with its logo etc. I wanted something refined, with excellent quality, a brand that suited me, at a reasonable price but slightly inconspicuous.

I describe my style as being classic, minimal with an alternative vibe. I consider myself a fan of high-end designers Vivienne Westwood and Alexander McQueen for instance.

The Reveal

After researching online (A LOT) I had narrowed my options down to two designers Alexander McQueen and Balenciaga, suiting both my budget and style. The Alexander McQueen black calf leather Skull shoulder bag and a Balenciaga City Motorcycle bag

So one weekend I made a trip to Harrods  during their Harrods Rewards 10% off Weekend in October and both brands were taking part. I also had a £5 cash reward to use very soon. After numerous laps around Luxury Accessories and between the two concessions, I finally made my decision!

Yes, Balenciaga was my choice. The Balenciaga City Metallic Edge caught my eye with the extra hardware detail. I chose the small size (not to be confused with the mini). I did consider the standard size but it just didn't suit me and overwhelmed my petite 5'1" frame. Plus I own many large bags already that have regular use.

The sales associate suggested I go with the black for my first Balenciaga purchase The Metallic Edge  design came with beautiful gold hardware and made from the more durable goatskin leather, in black, not the more commonly used lambskin.

The 10% off plus another £5 off the R.R.P made the purchase too tempting to resist. In the UK at the time of purchase, it retailed for £1,125. This meant I only ended up paying £1007.50 which I was made up with! Plus I received excellent advice and help with my purchase from the Harrods Sales Associate, making it an all round pleasant experience, that I was initially so nervous about.

Here she is:

First Impressions
This handbag ticked all the boxes for me, I'm a stickler for the practicality/function but be stylish. It can be worn on the crook of my arm and cross body (with a comfortable leather strap!). It hangs off my shoulder at a sensible length too.

The nearest I own is a huge tan leather Radley handbag. I bought for uni 7 years but is now too big for everyday use.

I just love the attention to detail and it is so beautiful to look at, I like the inclusion of a compact mirror giving a slight feminine touch to an alternative looking bag.

Sizewise I can fit my iPhone 6, large wallet, cosmetic bag, keys which are my usual essentials. Admittedly it forced me to scale down what I used to carry which had got a bit ridiculous if I'm honest!

It has had many uses since purchasing and have broken in the leather a little (stiffness concerning me at first). 

It can both worn dressed up or casually, adding a luxury edge to most of my outfits.
So pleased I have broken my luxury handbag virginity and feel I have made a good investment! Looking forward to my next luxury bag purchase. But I not for a while, I will be enjoying my Balenciaga much more before then!

Thanks for reading x.

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