Color the World Orange | CRPS Awareness Month 2016 | Health

Today is 'Color The World Orange' held annually on the 1st Monday in November to help spread awareness Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (or CRPS as it's known for short). November is also CRPS Awareness month. It used to be known as Reflex Sympathetic Distrophy. It helps raise awareness there are many things can be done, even something as simple a wearing orange. I plan to post something related to CRPS on social media every day during November.

This was a condition I was finally diagnosed with early this year, after years of suffering from severe chronic nerve pain in my right foot caused by a Morton's Neuroma (just 2 millimetres in size) that had since snowballed out of control. It is frustrating condition to live with daily being in constant distracting pain. Alongside this it very hard to explain to others and for them to understand, this where CRPS awareness is so vital.

It is a condition to that very much varies from one person to another, caused by an accident, operation or in my case spontanously. Sufferers will know it can take a mental toll on you and has given me severe anxiety and depression to boot. With this condition I now have a mobility impairment meaning I cannot walk long distances and require the use of a walking stick daily (which is a shock for a previously healthy 20 something to deal with and get used to!).

The diagnosis came from having the procedure that could finally end all my pain, cryosurgery privately which has made my life more bearable but still painful daily. I have come to terms with the chronic pain and I know how best to manage.

For other CRPS warriors:
It's ok to accept you will have good and bad days.
It's ok to decline an invitation if the pain is too bad
It's ok to ask for help if you need it, you are not a burden on anyone (this isn't easy I'm still overcoming this one!)
You are strong and special to be to fight and battle through daily!

Unfortunately CRPS is one of those invisible conditions that is so poorly understood worldwide, and the aim of 'Color The World Orange' is increase awareness globally. Even in parts of the medical community it is even unheard of.

Find out how you can help spread awareness by visiting the 'Color the World Orange' website.

To show your support you could start by adding a orange CRPS ribbon to your Facebook or Twitter profile picture this month:
Thanks Bekki.


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