Fav Style Influencers | Shot From The Street | Fashion

Style Influencers | Shot From The Street | Mini Modette

Shot From The Street - Lizzy Hadfield

Blog: shotfromthestreet.com / Youtube / Pinterest 

Image source: shotfromthestreet.com

Today's style influencer of focus is blogger Lizzy Hadfield, aka Shot From The Street based in Manchester, UK. Also, has had a YouTube channel for the past 2 years.

I discovered Shot From The Street only a few months back as one of her videos came up as recommended on YouTube. The video was "How I Style Boyfriend/Girlfriend Jeans" and I'm a HUGE fan of this style of jean but sometimes never too sure how to style them.

Admittedly I don't subscribe to many YouTube channels and I am very selective, subscribing to those I identify with etc. What I liked about Lizzy was she comes across as fashion conscious but isn't obsessed with trends. Her personality comes across as likeable, relatable, quite relaxed opposite to other style influencers I have watched in the past who can come across as dishonest and false (a turn off).  The content she creates is a more mature take on fashion and focusses more on personal style which is definitely my thing.

My favourite videos of hers are the 'Testing Basics' series, taking 5 of the same item, high street to high-end and testing out each for 5 consecutive days and concluding with her opinion on each and recommending them worst to best. This is great because the clothing can be a minefield when it comes to picking the right thing, so this is a great help!

I then discovered she was a full-time blogger posting as Shot From The Street, which I followed immediately. Blog posts consist of outfit inspiration, sponsored post by some of my fav brands. The outfit photography is on point!

Recently Lizzy has been working with a film photographer posting outfits shots and I'm a big fan of film photography.

Her blog partially inspired me to give blogging a go to share my own unique personal style so thanks, Lizzy!

One of her outfits actually featured in my Tailored Winter Coats Inspiration post.

Thanks Bekki

(ps follow me on Pinterest here)

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