Let's Get Motivated | 2017 Goals

This posts focusses on my goals and what I hope to achieve during this year, 2017. Now my life is looking more positive especially in relation to my physical, thanks to the private Cryosurgery procedure I had in June 2016, the following Physio and CBT sessions, after 5 years of debilitating chronic pain in my right foot that spread to my leg from mistreatment of my condition (Morton's Neuroma).

Yes, I am still in pain, but I have can now affectively manage it and build up my strength again. So 2017 will be the year I want to get my life back on track and learn to lead a normal life once again! Read on to find own my goals, and feel free to share yours in the comments.

I know before you say anything, it sounds like such a cliché. But as I explained in the intro I have been to hell and back, with my chronic pain condition, and finally reached a longer term solution and answers as to the cause.

So this goal will be an extension to the daily Physio I do and get back into doing Pilates, whether it be at home or joining a class. I will also gradually increase my Physio walking exercises, to help the strengthening of my right hip, so it is equal to the left. I will have good days and bad, and hopefully doing this should lessen the bad ones.

Goal 2 Learn to use my Olympus OM-D

I want to learn how to make full use of the Olympus OM-D EM-10 Mark 2 I purchased just over 2 months ago from Jessops, that I bought for a bargain for £712 with 2 lenses plus accessories. This was one of the many hobbies I stopped to the mobility impairment from the severe chronic pain I had. I used to love nature photography and walking on uneven surfaces of any kind was no go!

I have seen Jessops at the Jessops Academy offer photography courses and workshops, so I might give one of these a try, to learn how to use all the settings on the camera properly.

Goal 3 set up my own business

This one is a long term goal, my original intention after graduating university in 2012 before my condition kicked in. Now I feel I have been given a second chance at life, I want to achieve this goal in small steps. I would like to set myself up as a digital and web consultant using my skills I worked so hard for.

First I will update and refresh my business website, dust away all the cobwebs so to speak.

Goal 4 Visit places and write about it

This fourth and final goal links to goals 1 and 2. I want to get into the habit of visiting new places again, this should have a positive impact on my physical and mental health, getting back into the things I loved and left behind for the past 5 years. Then share here on my blog, the original aim of this blog was to continue on from the CBT treatment I had and record the progress I make through what I do.

Goal 5 learn to drive

Now my health is under reasonable control, I want to learn to drive which would mean I would no longer need to rely on public transport and would mean less walking which is better for my foot.

This concludes my goals for 2017.

Thanks, Bekki

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